Day 1
August Week 4
Upper Hollow Pulse :30
Scissor Kicks 1:00
Rest 1 min - repeat 3 rounds
*Aim to increase # of Scissor Kicks each round
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Day 2
August Week 4
Quadruped Fire Hydrant 10 *slow alternating reps (5 sec/rep)
Quadruped Knee to Elbow 10 *slow alternating reps (5 sec/rep)
Rest after both exercises as needed. Lots of time under tension here, keep positions solid and lower reps if needed.
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Day 3
August Week 4
Body Saw
Aim to get through this rep scheme as efficiently as possible. 27 Crunches followed by 27 Body Saws, 21, 21, etc. Arms overhead on the crunches to make this tougher.
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Day 4
August Week 4
Straddle Leg raise 40 reps
rest 3 min then repeat
*make sure you scale this properly. Have an object like I do in the video if you know your hamstrings/general flexibility is a limiting factor. CONTROL those heels up and down!