February Week 3


Day 1

February Week 3

Psoas March (R) only - 20 seconds

Psoas March (L) only - 20 seconds

20 Butterfly Sit-ups *Fast*

Rest 90 seconds

Repeat 4 Rounds

*Option of having hands remain by sides or overhead during Psoas March. You are starting by bringing your right leg up to your chest and back out repeatedly for 20 seconds while left remains straight out


Video Support

Psoas March

Butterfly Sit-up



Day 2

February Week 3

Quadruped Shoulder taps - 20 reps

Quadruped hold - 30 seconds

Inchworms - 10 reps

Rest as needed

Repeat 3 Rounds


Video Support

Quadruped Shoulder taps

Quadruped Hold




Day 3

February Week 3

TABATA - 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest 8x

Regular hollow rock (scale to challenging variation)

Tucked hollow rock

(First 20 seconds of work, regular hollow rock, next 20 seconds will be tucked. Back and forth) Repeat TABATA 2 total times. Rest as needed between rounds.


Video Support

Hollow Rock

Tucked Hollow Rock



Day 4

February Week 3

Dumbbell ½ Kneel wood chop - 10 reps

Dumbbell ½ Kneel rotations - 10 reps

Dumbbell ½ Kneel wood chop - 10 reps

Then repeat, other knee in front. 4x each side

*Make sure the rotations are twisting through your mid-back, staying in a tall lunge position. Feel free to choose slightly heavier DB to increase difficulty.


Video Support

DB 1/2 Kneel Wood Chop

DB 1/2 Kneel Rotations