Day 1
December Week 3
Psoas March - 30 seconds
10 V-ups/tuck-ups
Psoas March - 25 seconds
8 V-ups/tuck-ups
Psoas March - 20 seconds
6 V-ups/tuck-ups
Psoas March - 15 seconds
4 V-ups/tuck-ups
*this version gets tough very quickly, so scale to a quality version of the movement you can do taking minimal rest to move through all the way down to the set of 15 seconds and 4 V-ups*
After completing the ladder rest 90 seconds
2 Rounds of the following
Side plank reach (L) - 30 seconds
Side plank reach (R) - 30 seconds
Rest - 30 seconds
1 minute rest
3 Rounds of the following
25 second Hollow hold
30 seconds rest
*low back grounded throughout, scale accordingly*
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Day 2
December Week 3
Seated double heel raise - 1 minute
DIRECTLY into Quadruped hold - 30 seconds
Rest 1 minute after both exercises, repeat 4 ROUNDS
After Round 4, rest 1 minute then 1x of the following
Mountain climber oblique twist - 1 minute max reps
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Day 3
December Week 3
4 Rounds
Heels to ceiling - 15 REPS
Scissor kicks - 30 seconds
Star reach - 20 seconds alternating sides
Butterfly sit-ups - 10 REPS
Rest 1 minute
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Day 4
December Week 3
Single arm plank (R) - 10 seconds
Single arm plank (L) - 10 seconds
Forearm plank - 10 seconds
Towel tuck ups - max reps in 30 seconds
Rest 1 minute
Round 2, the single arm planks and forearm plank go to :20 seconds, then :30 for round 3. Max tuck ups remain the same at 30 seconds each round
*if you are able* attempt to go back down to :20 and back to the original :10 seconds keeping the 1 minute rest between rounds.
Just to clarify -
:10, :20, :30, :20, :10
Tuck ups at the end of each round
*Ensure those wrists are nice and warm for the single arm holds. Aim fingers slightly outward to minimize pressure on wrists.*