August Week 3


Day 1

august Week 3

Star Reaches 20 reps (total)

Side Plank :20 (L)

Star Reaches 10 reps (total)

Side Plank :20 (R)

Rest as needed - 4 rounds


Video Support

Star Reach

Side Plank Hold


Day 2

august Week 3

Cherry Pickers 30 reps (total)

Psoas Clap 30 reps (total)

3 rounds for QUALITY. Be efficient with time here but make sure movement quality is perfect.


Video Support

Cherry Pickers

Psoas Clap


Day 3

august Week 3

AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) 8 Minutes

DB Superman 20 reps

DB Pull Through 20 reps

Side Plank Rotation 10 reps


Video Support

DB Superman

DB Pull-Through

Side Plank Rotations


Day 4

august Week 3

Reach & Twist 5 reps/arm (10 total)

DB Russian Twist 10 reps/side (20 total)

V-Ups 20 reps

4 rounds - rest as needed after full round


Video Support

Reach & Twist

DB Russian Twist
