April Week 3


Day 1

April Week 3

100 Alternating Star Reaches (total)

Rest 3 minutes

50 Alternating Star Reaches (total)

(Simple but nasty, go for big sets of QUALITY Star Reaches)


Video Support

Star Reach


Day 2

April Week 3

Tucked Hollow Hold :25 seconds

Arms overhead Tucked Hollow Hold :15 seconds

Regular Hollow Hold :10 seconds

Hollow Rocks - 8 reps (Arms overhead if possible)

5 Rounds, rest as needed between rounds

(All slightly different variations of the hollow position. Tucked hollow hold arms are by sides, knees tucked up at 90 degrees. Arms overhead Tucked Hollow Hold, arms are extending straight above head)


Video Support

Hollow Hold

Hollow Rock


Day 3

april Week 3

Swimmers :20 seconds

Single Arm Plank (L) :20 seconds

Swimmers :20 seconds

Single Arm Plank (R) :20 seconds

Superman HOLD :20 seconds (DB optional)

Repeat this sequence every 3 minutes x 4 rounds


Video Support


Single Arm Plank

DB Superman


Day 4

April Week 3

Quadruped Donkey Kicks - 20 reps total *SLOW Tempo*

V-Ups - 10 reps *FAST*

4 Rounds - Rest as needed after both exercises


Video Support

Quadruped Donkey Kick
