Day 1
October Week 2
Upper Hollow Pulse 20 reps
Star Reaches 10 reps
Upper Hollow Pulse 20 reps
Star Reaches 10 reps
Rest as needed after round, repeat 5x
Video Support
Day 2
October Week 2
Quadruped Fire Hydrant 12 reps alternating
Dumbbell Woodchops 12/side
Flutter Kicks arms overhead :15 sec
4 rounds
*If you have a heavier dumbbell here, feel free to up the weight on the wood chops, or use a heavier object
Video Support
Day 3
October Week 2
Seated Leg Raise (L) 20 reps
Hip Dips (L) 20 reps
Seated Leg Raise (R) 20 reps
Hip Dips (R) 20 reps
Rest as needed, repeat 3x
*Make sure to show control when lowering the leg on the first exercise, no dropping
Video Support
Day 4
October Week 2
Hollow Rock 10 reps
Overhead Sit-up (no weight) 10 reps
Leg Lifts 10 reps
Rest :30 sec and repeat 5x
*DB is optional for the sit-ups and the leg lifts. If not using for the leg lifts, arms should be on the floor outside your hips