October Week 2



Day 1

October Week 2

Upper Hollow Pulse 20 reps

Star Reaches 10 reps

Upper Hollow Pulse 20 reps

Star Reaches 10 reps

Rest as needed after round, repeat 5x


Video Support

Upper Hollow Pulse

Star Reach


Day 2

October Week 2

Quadruped Fire Hydrant 12 reps alternating

Dumbbell Woodchops 12/side

Flutter Kicks arms overhead :15 sec

4 rounds

*If you have a heavier dumbbell here, feel free to up the weight on the wood chops, or use a heavier object


Video Support

Quadruped Fire Hydrant

1/2 Kneel Woodchop

Flutter Kicks


Day 3

October Week 2

Seated Leg Raise (L) 20 reps

Hip Dips (L) 20 reps

Seated Leg Raise (R) 20 reps

Hip Dips (R) 20 reps

Rest as needed, repeat 3x

*Make sure to show control when lowering the leg on the first exercise, no dropping


Video Support

Single Leg Seated Leg Raise

Hip Dips


Day 4

October Week 2

Hollow Rock 10 reps

Overhead Sit-up (no weight) 10 reps

Leg Lifts 10 reps

Rest :30 sec and repeat 5x

*DB is optional for the sit-ups and the leg lifts. If not using for the leg lifts, arms should be on the floor outside your hips


Video Support

Hollow Rock

Overhead Sit-Up (DB optional)

Leg Lifts (DB optional)