Day 1
February Week 2
Double Heel raises - 20 seconds
Flutter Kicks - 20 seconds
Double Heel raises - 20 seconds
Flutter Kicks - 20 seconds
Rest 40 seconds
Repeat 4 rounds
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Day 2
February Week 2
Deadbug leg raise - 10 reps (L)
Deadbug leg raise - 10 reps (R)
Side plank hold - 30 seconds (L)
Side plank hold - 30 seconds (R)
Deadbug reps go down by 1 each side/round until you reach 5. You will start by raising and lowering your left leg only 10 times while keeping every other part of the deadbug the same, then continue to hold and switch to right leg. Slow and controlled and not rushed during these. Side plank time remains the same throughout
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Day 3
February Week 2
Russian Twist feet elevated - 30 seconds (*must touch ground with hands)
Russian Twist feet grounded - 30 seconds (*must touch ground with hands)
Overhead Sit-up - 10 reps
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat 5 Rounds
*optional use of dumbbell for all exercises
Video Support
Day 4
February Week 2
200 Shoulder taps!
*Big sets here with perfect form
*Aiming for perfect position here. Hips tucked under, belly button to chin while pushing the floor away from you. Imagine your low back has a glass of water on it and you can’t spill! As you reach for shoulder, make sure hips don’t shift!