Day 1
September Week 1
100 Cherry Pickers (L+R= 1 rep)
*Make sure low back is pressed firmly into floor, reaching as far across your body each rep. Be smart with reps, pause if form starts to deteriorate
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Day 2
September Week 1
100 Quadruped Shoulder Taps (L+R= 1 rep)
*Hips should remain completely still. If unsure if they are still, do this with a small object balancing on low back*
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Day 3
September Week 1
100 alternating Star Reaches (L+R= 2 reps)
*for as many reps as possible, try to keep body from coming all the way and resting on the floor between reps
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Day 4
September Week 1
100 Psoas Marches (L+R= 2 reps)
*1 second pause when knee is closest to chest before switching legs. Try for big sets here!