Day 1
November Week 1
Quadruped Donkey Kick ALTERNATING 20 reps
Elevator Plank 10 reps
V-Ups 20 reps
Rest 1:1 (The time it takes you to complete the round = how much rest you get that round)
3 Rounds
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Day 2
NOvember Week 1
Scissor Kicks 30 reps (L+R= 2 reps)
DB Tuck & Extend 20 reps (Out and up = 1 rep)
Rest 1:1
3 Rounds
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Day 3
November Week 1
Side Plank Reach 10 reps/side SLOW
Directly into Quadruped Fire Hydrant 10 reps ALTERNATING legs SLOW
4 Rounds - rest as needed after completing both exercises in a row
*We really want to stress correct positioning here. Take your time and don’t fly through these reps. Reach your hand deep into that opposite pocket during the side plank and keep hips facing the floor during the fire hydrants
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Day 4
November Week 1
Reps of
Quadruped Shoulder Taps
*You will do 30 swimmers followed by 30 shoulder taps, 25 then 25…etc. etc. all the way down to 15. DON’T RUSH. (L+R = 1 on the swimmers, while the shoulder taps each time you tap your shoulder = 1 rep)
Move through this one efficiently and push for perfect reps! Minimize rest until done!