June Week 1


Day 1

June Week 1

Cherry Pickers 20 reps

DB Overhead Sit-up 10 reps

Towel tuck-ups/Mountain climbers 1 min max reps

Rest 1:30

4 Rounds

*whichever variation you choose for the last exercise, ensure moving with PERFECT body position. Belly button to spine!


Video Support

Cherry Pickers

DB Overhead Sit-up

Towel Tuck-up


Day 2

June Week 1

Quadruped Donkey Kick 20 total reps (slow)

Quadruped Shoulder Taps 20 total reps (slow, hips don’t move, hand touches opposite shoulder)

High Plank Walkout 3 reps (last one should be challenging without losing good hollow position)

Rest as needed after full round

3 Rounds


Video Support

Quadruped Donkey Kick

High Plank Walkout


Day 3

june Week 1

 DB Tucked Hollow Rock :30

Hip Dips 15 reps (R)

DB Tucked Hollow Rock :30

Hip Dips 15 reps (L)

Bicycle Crunch max reps 1 min

Rest as needed

3 Rounds

*DB optional for tucked hollow rock


Video Support

DB Tucked Hollow Rock

Hip Dips

Bicycle Crunch


Day 4

june Week 1

‘Down by 2’


Straight Leg Sit-up

Forearm Mountain Climber

DB Tuck Overs

*To begin, 20 straight leg sit-ups, 20 forearm mountain climbers, 20 heel touches. The mountain climbers are TOTAL reps not each side. From here 18-18-18 all the way down to 2’s. Scale to normal mountain climbers if needed


Video Support

Straight Leg Sit-up

Forearm Mountain Climbers

DB Tuck Over